Unit 2/3B 2020-21

For the coming academic year the unit will focus on shared spaces. Sharing is one of the fundamental concepts of social life, as it determines the ways of distributing finite resources and forming communities. It is also a concept that involves many architectural questions, such as access, visibility, density, but also togetherness and separation. While sharing is not necessarily an innocent term, as it is sometimes used to justify rising housing costs, deregulation, or other inequalities, it is clear that cultivating a sense of shared interest and care are crucial in collectively ad-dressing the urgencies of today.

In the two semesters we will look at the ways how transformation of existing sites and conditions can introduce different forms of coexistence, and on how architecture can provide spaces to be shared by the public, communities, or a household. We will investigate this from two perspectives—in the fall semester students will design a shared public space in the form of an exhibition hall, located in the very centre of Aarhus. In the spring semester the unit will shift its attention to housing and the ways sharing can take place in the domestic setting.
Matiss Groskaufmanis

Unit 2/3A 2020-21

Unit A har tidligere arbejdet med transformation af ruiner og af industribyggeri. Sidste år arbejdede vi med transformation af moderne kulturarv. Det synes at fremgå af arkitekturdebatten, at jo nyere kulturarven bliver jo mere påtrængende bliver diskussionen om hvorvidt vi skal bevare, transformere eller nedrive.

Dennes diskussion om, hvordan man transformerer den moderne kulturarv, vil denne gangomhandle

Katrinebjergskolen i Aarhus.
I forårssemestret sadler vi om, idet vi vælger at transformere en bindingsværkgård på Samsø. Ligeså oplivet som debatten er omkring transformation af moderne kulturarv - ligeså oplivet burde debatten måske være omkring transformation af vores gamle landbrugsbygninger, der måske lidt for hurtigt modtager støtte fra statens nedrivningspulje.
Andriette Ahrenkiel